Monday, July 19, 2004

My thoughts on the possibility of jack black playing green lantern.

  I can understand why the fans don’t want this. They want green lantern to be a massive space epic. I’ve heard fans say it could be on par with star wars. But the plain and simple fact is that most people don’t know green lantern that well. They may remember the symbol, but have no idea who or what he is.  I admit I wouldn’t mind seeing a huge space epic green lantern. But that’s not going to happen. A comedy with jack black, now especially because it’s Kyle Rayner, I could see how funny this would be. Kyle is such the everyman, so now with Jack Black playing him, he’d look like almost every man. Jack Black interacting with aliens and blue dwarfs is well worth the price of admission.


Ian said...

See Corey, you don't get wound-up by IC#2 nor the (slight) possibilty of a Jack Black GL movie. You are my type of comic reader.

Corey Beckner said...

thanks. i think it comes from not taking it too seriously.

Hate Filled Poster said...

He would be better as Gnort.

Corey Beckner said...

hmm, i had a jack black/shaggy dog image in my head. i need to think about that one.