What happens when a logging company does a shitty job and leaves mercury out in the water? well, my friends you get a 20 ft mutant bear with no skin. You also get a hell of a time. Talia Shire and Armand Assante are the main recognizable names from the film. and can some one show me a film where a Talia Shire character that isn't insanely shy and will say look at the other characters in the eyes for longer than a second? But enough of that, I will say when you get right down to it, this is a fun movie. you get Indian legends and lumberjack decapitation. Oh, right and a fucking huge mutant bear. Seriously, what else would you want?
That sounds like a grand time!!!
if you like mutant bears, and there is no reason someone shouldn't. you'll have a fun time.
Talia Shire was actually pretty badass in Godfather III. But that's still no reason to see this movie.
i still haven't seen that. no, mutant bears are a reason to see this movie.
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