Stuart Gordon ,Jeffrey Combs and H.P. Lovecraft should all be joined at the hip. Because I’m never disappointed when those three are together on a film. The film starts out with Jeffery Combs as a scientist who is working on an experiment to stimulate the pineal gland and it ends up opening a doorway to another universe that includes glowing floating sea life. This movie was a blast. Barbara Crampon and Ken Foree from re-animator and dawn of the dead fame respectively, put in a nice showing. But as always Jeffery Combs steals the show. Apparently when you stimulate the pineal gland it leads to your friends becoming lose fleshy beasts and you gain a love for sadomasochism. Now I’m not sure how much of this was a part of Lovecraft’s original story but god bless artistic license. This isn't Oscar winning cinema, but it does have a lot of disturbing creatures, Ken Foree shooting monsters in his underwear, Barbara Crapmton naked in a uncomfortable situation (yet again), and Jeffery Combs acting creepy as only he can. I highly recommend it.
this movie is so saddly not a part of my collection!!!
i can't find it anywere! will it ever make it to dvd??
and how about stuart gordons "dolls"??
so nice to see the poster and review on this site,
i loved this movie: jeffery combs! stuart gordon!
you lucky son of a brain muncher!
he...bit...off...his head...
gingerbread man!
it's a fine film. i really wish it would come to dvd.
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